Board Member; Community Engagement & Programming Co-Chair; Cultural Inclusion Group Member
Executive Director at Higher Works Collaborative, Youth Pastor at Jubilee Worship Center, Board Member for several area youth serving non-profits
“Great River Children’s Museum creates a meeting place for everyone in the community to engage in fun and exciting activities. A diverse community sustains authentic education in arts and culture. S.T.E.A.M. is the tool of success.”

Board Member; Cultural Sensitivity & Health Equity Supervisor, CentraCare

Board Member; Community Engagement & Programming Co-Chair; Cultural Inclusion Group Member
Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist
“A children’s museum will provide exciting opportunities to support the social and emotional development of young children in our community, through exploration and play, with their parents or other important caregivers in their lives.”

Board Member; Marketing Committee Chair
Professor of Strategic Communication at St. Cloud State University and Editor in Chief of The Newsleaders in St. Joseph, MN
“Some of the best memories with my three boys are the times spent constructing contraptions, manipulating bubbles, exploring and role playing. Children’s museums provide the space for these types of creative discovery, and I look forward to seeing other families make lifelong memories at GRCM.”

Vice Chair; GeoComm
“The Children’s Museum has the potential to become so much more than a building; it is destined to become an essential community institution. It promises to help create a much more vibrant downtown, a much more inclusive community, and an important resource for families in the Central Minnesota area.”
Kelly Gully
Board Member; CPA, Central Minnesota Diagnostic
Sahur Hussein
Board; Member Registered Nurse, St. Cloud Hospital
“I have little kids at home and really want something like this for them in Central Minnesota. I know our whole community will benefit from having a place for children to play and explore.”

Board Member; Marketing Committee Member; Community Engagement & Programming Committee Member
ECFE Parent Educator with Sauk Rapids-Rice Schools
“It’s been my dream to have a museum space in central Minnesota where children and adults are able to play together in a meaningful way that builds their relationship.”

Board Member; Exhibits Committee Chair; Facilities Committee Member; Marketing Committee Member
Licensed Clinical Psychologist (specializing in health psychology and
cognitive behavioral therapy)
“This is an exciting time! The future of our community is being influenced by those just entering the world today. A local children’s museum presents an extraordinary opportunity to bring our community together, promoting learning through curiosity, and ultimately strengthening our humanity.”
Dr. Jessica Najarian-Bell
Board Member; Pediatrician, CentraCare

Board Member; Personnel Committee Member
VP of Human Resources at Microbiologics

Board Member; President, Bradbury Stamm Construction
Resource Development
Finance Committee
Education and Experience
In Memoriam
Our friend, John Wertz passed away on December 9, 2020. Great River Children’s Museum wants to recognize his significant support for the children’s museum from the early days when the museum was just a dream. John provided important guidance by coaching the development of a business plan for the museum to help assess our feasibility. He was a member of the planning group that visited Liberty Bank when the offer of the building was first made. He connected us to community resources to help us make the decision to accept the building donation. He was also instrumental in providing critical early financial support to move the project forward. He continued to provide advice and connect Great River Children’s Museum to community leaders after we moved into our building. He even came to help us move counters to create our Play, Explore, and Learn Lab space. He will be fondly remembered for his wise counsel, optimism, and advocacy for our children’s museum. We miss you John and honor you as one of our founding members.

GRCM advocate, board member, and friend Jim Davis passed away on September 3, 2023. Great
River Children’s Museum wants to recognize Jim’s long-term support and involvement in the
early stages of the museum’s development. When Jim was serving as Executive Director of
Stearns History Museum he invited us to explore creating a joint museum complex. He volunteered to be a member of the planning group that worked long days with consultants over a 6-month period to create the GRCM Strategic Master Plan and continued to serve as a member of the Facilities Committee through early 2023. He will be remembered for his wisdom, kindness, and strong advocacy for our children’s museum. We miss you Jim and honor you as one of our early supporters and founding board members.